Monday, September 29, 2008

ate mais, corazon adentro das estrellas

[Eu sinto muinto mais...]

All of the sudden, things became clear.

I can not emphasize that any more than the desire I've had lately to liberate my fury in a water crazed slip and slide.

(In Miami, the heat does get to everyone.)

I'm feeling cultural exhilaration, of sorts. By myself, I yearn for an unexpected turn or change in scenery. Where should I situate myself or, rather, you and I, Little Munchkin.

The birds flew east today, on my block before it rained. Andrew's vocabulary word count has been increasing exponentially. He's been into joyful terminology as of late. "YAY!" and clapping up a hand conjured applauding audience.

I sit and think. I sit and think.

I've been feeling disheartened by 700 billion dollar plans and governmental craze. I need to start the engine and get a move on to more
inspiring things than politics. Being Apolitical is too stressful.

"C'est la vie." Or, perhaps, almost as unfair as the brother/sister bear's false cry to land you in the shameful time out corner some years ago.

What is it that we all want that just keeps us going everyday?

I'm certain you all know my answer, but, what is it that is universally desired? Do we have to think 2-dimensionally and say love? I kind of believe so much more in passion, ambition and more importantly, soul. And yes, you're right. There is, of course, the word soul in 'soul mate'. (How quickly we forget.) Sure, why not. I guess everyone at some point feels they've found one or even felt they've lost one. Thinking about these things starts to consume your brain like cereal for the morning belly.

Prefuse 73's One Word Extinguisher's got me entering different wave lengths and brain level frequencies. I feel interconnected, kind of, with the raw sounding assurance throughout the entire album. The guy can drop a beat that'll get anyone feelin' "radical, brah."

I've temporarily decided to give up on going out to many public places. I've had bundles of awkward encounters where I've seriously felt the disillusionment of many unsettling amounts of testosterone crazed individuals paired up to create a grandiousity to the title of 'misanthrope'.

I've been booted up with neverending amounts of eager longing to ride my new bike all day. I'm going to make it a fixed gear [with brakes] once I find some pocket cash-age for a wheel-set.

I got hit by a car on 54th and Biscayne on Sunday morning. I was left unscratched, imagine that. The guy made a U-turn and bumped my back wheel and my bike kind of rocketed forwards and elevated a bit in the process and there I was... on the curb, confused and overwhelmed with relief.

Lately, I've been too tempted with cuddling and wanting to roll around the sheets as if I had just rolled down a hill. Daily distractions keep anyone from coming to mind and thus, leaves everything momentary. Longing for soft linen felt naps, and absurdities is growing exhausting.

I'm growing tired of solitary romanticism. I need to start opening my eyes. I experienced too many dreams. It's about time I live one.


Dizzle said...

::snapping fingers:: I c wut u did thar. I like. Keep the thoughts flowing. Great prose. I like your style. My blog is definitely lacking the style and substance you laid out but, eh. I've been on the lazy tip and mostly reposting relevant writings from other sources. You've lit a proverbial fire under my metaphorical ass. Thank you for the inspiration. Keep rocking the boat but be careful not to let it sink.

Maria Rose said...
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